Angel Cervera Claudio

Developer since 1998. Passionate about computers since 1984.


Solution Architect (Hands-on)
Data Architect (Hands-on)
Technical Lead
Software Engineer
BigData Developer
GIS Developer
Data Engineer


First language

Living and working in Ireland since 2014

Resumed Skills

Scala and ecosystem
Java and ecosystem
Apache Spark
Distributed Systems
Akka toolkit
Agile Projects

About Me

I’m passionate about new technologies since the first contact with my ZX Spectrum+ and its BASIC tutorial and now I work as an architect, technical lead, etc.

Since 1998, I have worked on more than 50 large scale projects, mainly all in Java, Scala and related technologies.

During the course of my career, I have been in a lot of different technical positions, from senior software engineer to technical leader and architect shared with team manager and project manager responsibilities.

Why should you hire me?

I bring to every project experience, agile methodologies and desire to be with a great team. No one is more Scala evangelist and advocate than me, but my experience taught me that not everything is nails.


Good software is only possible with happy developers in a great work environment

What am I looking for?

I'm always looking for challenges, no matter the size of he company. Currently, I work from the comfort of home (100% or almost) to not waste my energy in commutes and investing more time in my projects and my family.

Key achievements

From 2015 to 2016, I was part of a team (two developers at the beginning) with the challenge of being part of the design and implementation of the Dun and Bradstreet’s Search Engine. Others teams tried it before with only part of the data set, but they did not achieve enough performance to be able to sell the service. In no more than five months, we released an API (including the ETL, indexing pipeline, etc) serving 350millions of records with more than 20 different filters.
My most worthy project has been my own startup project:, a CMS / ecommerce SAAS platform developed from the scratch, where I demonstrated that usability and simplicity are compatible with flexibility, power, performance and the use of standard technologies.
In 2001 I was working in the first enterprise project base in Java/J2EE in the Santander Bank. My share in this project was recompensed with a 2 year contract in this company as a Java technical leader in one of the more important departments (The Treasury Department).

Education summary

Computer Systems Technical Engineer Bachelor Degree (3 years / 1998) in Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)
I need to present the capstone project, but before, I have many more important things to do.

Formal training

Coursera - Generative AI with Large Language Models.
Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect.
Coursera GCP Specialization. Cloud Data Engineer Professional Certificate
Blockchain Specialization
Functional Programming In Scala Specialization

More recent project

Senior Consultant
Secondary Roles:

Senior Data Architect

Senior Software Engineer

Bank Of Ireland

Skills: Architecture and Design, Mentoring, Cloudera Platform, AWS, Python, Spark, NiFi, Hbase/Phoenix, Docker, etc

Description: Consultant in Data Solutions department.

  • Bridge between Architect and Data Engineers teams.
  • Migration and modernization analysis from legacy on-promise Cloudera to Cloudera on AWS.
  • Helping and mentoring data engineers in all stages of the project.

Secondary Roles:

Senior Solution Architect

Senior Data Architect


TCG Land

Skills: Architecture, Google Cloud Platform, Firebase, Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Firestore, Google Cloud Workflows, Google Storage, BigQuery, GoLang, Scala, Astro, Typescript, Vue.

Description: Mexico and Latin America’s first TCG marketplace.
Architecture and implementation from scratch a fully operative cloud native marketplace:

  • Fully serverless elastic architecture to reduce cost and increase performance.
  • Pipelines to extract prices, details of new card releases, notifications, delivery workflows, etc...
  • Dashboard to track infrastructure performance and cost.

Senior Consultant
Secondary Roles:

Senior Solution Architect

Senior Data Architect

UnitedHealth Group / Optum

Skills: Cloud Computing, Mentoring, Benthos, Apache Kafka, Snowflake, Microsoft Azure, Apache Spark, Java


  • Mentoring a new team to develop PoCs and Spikes using different technologies and designs.
  • Design and hand-on mentoring a solution that normalice and standardise data from hundred of different formats into a common schema into Snowflake, first version using BigData technologies (Spark/Scala) and second version using even-driven cloud-native technologies (Azure Functions, EventGrid, etc.)

Senior Data Architect
The Block

Skills: Scala, Java, Architecture


  • PoC for a Cryptocurrency Exchanges data ingestion Architecture, Design, and Implementation using Google Cloud Provided (mainly Google Data Fusion and BigQuery) technologies and Scala. GCP services comparison (ex. DataPoc and DataFlow) were included in the PoC.

Senior Data Architect
Secondary Roles:

Senior Solution Architect

UnitedHealth Group / Optum
Project: Stars

Skills: Scala, Java, Linux, Architecture


  • Implementation of best practices and SDLC.
  • Standardization and rearchitecting of processes.
  • Reduction of FTE in data processing through generic framework and processes in Spark.
  • Design of Cloud Migration Action Plan.
  • Metadata driven ingestion framework Arquitecture, Design and PoC implementation.

Senior Software Engineer
Dun and Bradstreet
Project: Direct+ Monitoring

Skills: Python, Scala, Spark, Java, AWS, Cascading, Oozie


  • Decoupling pipelines via AWS services.
  • SnowFlake pipelines.
  • Cascading pipelines.

Senior Solution Architect
Swiss Re
Project: Working on different PoCs

Skills: Java, Azure, FaaS, SWIFT message files, Python, Scala, Databricks, Spark

Description: Design and implementation of different PoCs related to:

  • Function as a Service (FaaS) and Event-Driven architecture.
  • Spark and microservices integration and Spark processing in Scala vs Python, PySpark and Pandas.

Side Projects & Opensource

Project: Simplex Spatial - The Reactive Geospatial Server

Skills: Scala, Akka.

Description: Consolidation of different personal oss projects related with GIS into a reactive geospatial server. This include improvement of different algorithms over spatial networks and concurrent / parallel processing, clustering, sharding, etc.

Project: Osm4scala

Skills: Scala, OpenStreetMap, Google Protocol Buffers.

Description: Scala library focus in parse and manipulate PBF2 OpenStreetMap files.

Skills Summary

  • Scala: Akka, Sbt.
  • BigData: Spark, Hadoop ecosystem (HBase, HDFS, MapReduce and occasionally PIG and Sqoop)
  • Java: JavaEE stack (JPA / JAXRS / EJB / Jsp / Servlets / etc).
  • NoSQL Database: Elasticsearch / Hbase / Cassandra / MongoDB / Hstore / Infinispan / BigMemoryGo / Trove / BerkeleyDB / Tinkerpop stack / Titan / OrientDB / Neo4J.
  • GIS: Postgis / PGRounting / OpenLayers / Leaflet / Geotools / GeoServer.
  • TDD and testing: Scalatest / TestNG / Junit / Selenium / Qunit.
  • CI and build tools: ant / maven / Jenkins / Hudson / Continuum.
  • SQL Database: Oracle / MySQL / Postgresql.
  • Other Java related: RabbitMQ / Zookeeper / spring-integration /Apache commons libraries / J2ME / Threads / JDBC / Applets / Swing / XML / XML- RPC / Struts / Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring- mock, etc.) / JavaMail / EJBs / JDO / Ibatis / Java WebStart / Web Services / jasperReports / Hibernate / etc.
  • Front end: JavaScript Client, Jquery, dustjs, bootstrap / XHTML 5 / HTML 5 / CSS 3.
  • Application servers: Glassfish / Jboss / Tomcat / WebSphere / WebLogic / iPlanet / OC4J.
  • Integration: OAUTH 2.0, LDAP, Amazon, social networks, privates security systems, digital payment systems (4B, Servired, Paypal, etc) etc.
  • OS: Unix / Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, etc).
  • Other languages: C / C++ / JavaScript Server / Nodejs / Python
  • Monitoring tools: Ambari, Nagios, Ganglia, New Relic
  • Cloud and infrastructure: Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS / Cloudfoundry / Docker
  • Older Projects

    Senior Software Engineer
    Dun and Bradstreet
    Project: Platform prime

    Skills: Scala, Spark, Java, AWS, Cascading, Oozie, Avro, Hbase, ORC, etc...

    Description: BigData lake that collects data from data providers and exposes it in a homogeneous format.

    Senior Data Engineer
    Nitro Software Inc.
    Project: Analytics

    Skills: Scala, Spark, AWS (EMR, Athena, Data Pipeline, etc...), Play.

    Description: Collection, processing, and reporting Desktop/Cloud/Services events.

    Senior Software Engineer
    Dun and Bradstreet
    Project: Direct+ Search

    Skills: Agile project using Scrum, Scala, Spark, ElasticSearch, Java, AWS (EMR, Elasticbeanstalk, etc...), Spring, Rest services with Jax-RS / Jersey, Python, Cascading

    Description: API to almost real time search in the D&B full data set. I participated in all components of the product the indexing process, the Rest API, infrastructure, design etc.

    Senior Software Engineer
    Project: Metering and monitoring

    Skills: Java, spring-integration, RabbitMQ, Hadoop, HDSF, Zookeeper, PIG, MongoDB, Greenplum, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), SVN, Junit, Maven, scrum, agile, Spring-Mvc (RestFul), Ambari, Nagios, Ganglia.

    Description: As part of an international BigData project, we built the software to collect and show metrics and monitoring the whole system, from the ingestion process to the analysis, gathering system information and business information.

    Senior Software Engineer
    Project: BigData Lake / ECPS

    Skills: Java, spring-integration / microservices, RabbitMQ, Hadoop, HDSF, Zookeeper, Sqoop, PIG, MongoDB, Greenplum, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), SVN, Junit, Maven, scrum, agile, Spring-Mvc (RestFul).

    Description: As part of an international BigData project, we built the software to collect and analize a large ammount of heterogeneous data files gathered from a lot of different systems. This ingestion application was designed with a set of microservices communicated via RabbitMQ. With this data, EMC was capable of analyzing and extracting a lot of different information, like predicting possible problems in EMC customer's servises and devices, report usage to different platforms, etc...

    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Solution Architect

    Senior Data Architect


    Project: Real Estate Analytics

    Skills: Java, JavaEE Stack (JAXRS, JPA, EJBs, JAXB, etc), Postgresql, Postgis, PGRouting, OpenStreetMap, HStore, Geotools, Leafletjs, jquery, javascript, dustjs, Restful, html5, css3, bootstrap, Geojson, linux (Ubuntu/Server / Desktop), Mercurial, Glassfish, TestNG, ant, ivy. Other tools and frameworks tested Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Infinispan, BigMemoryGo, Trove, BerkeleyDB, Tinkerpop stack, Titan, OrientDB, Neo4J

    Description: We built a technology platform for a new Real Estate company, based in BigData, Data Mining and GIS, used in the automation of search premises and calculation of ideal places for new business, depending on the marker sector, demographic data, sociological data and public survey data. As technical lead, I tested a lot of big data and data mining tools, always from the point view of Geospatial data.

    Technical Lead
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Architect

    Silyan Software
    Project: Silyan Spatial

    Skills: JavaEE, Java, Gis, Hadoop MapReduce, Tinkerpop Blueprints, Thinkaurelious Titan, Hbase, Cassandra, OpenStreetMap, JTS (Java Topology Suite), Geotools, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), Mercurial, TestNG, ant, ivy.

    Description: I built a service to calculate influence areas (Driving Distance) using distributed memory graph network to obtain incredible performance and replace pgRouting solutions. It has two different modules:

    • The service used to calculate areas in real time, based in graphs.
    • The Hadoop architecture to prepare optimized graph based in OpenStreetMap data.

    Technical Lead
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Architect

    Project: Retail/Franchise premises

    Skills: Java, JavaEE Stack (JAXRS, JPA, EJBs, JAXB, etc), Gis, TestNG, ant, ivy, Rhino, JSR-223, Postgresql, Postgis, PGRouting, NavTeq, Geoserver, OpenLayers, jquery, javascript, Restful, html5, css3, WMS, Geojson, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), Mercurial, Glassfish.

    Description: We built a tool for automation, analysis and reports of commercial premises to calculate sales previsions and search ideal locations, based in real time, programmables and parameterizable equations.

    Online Instructor
    GeoSpatial Training
    Project: OpenSource GIS technologies


    Description: I was the instructor in the course “Open Source GIS Bootcamp” for Spanish speakers and English speakers people.

    Technical Lead
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Architect

    Project: Tuwebmap

    Skills: Java, JavaEE Stack (JAXRS, JPA, EJBs, JAXB, etc), Gis, TestNG, ant, ivy, Postgresql, Postgis, PGRouting, OpenStreetMap, Geoserver, OpenLayers, jquery, javascript, Restful, html5, css3, WMS, Geojson, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), Subversion, Glassfish.

    Description: We built a web application to exploit existing “big data” database with heterogeneous information. This data is related with geospatial information and users can generate new data creating new shapes and recalculating new data based on the existing.

    Technical Lead
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Architect

    Arcobaleno 2000

    Skills: Java, JavaEE Stack, maven, Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring-mock, etc.), jquery, javascript, html, css, Geojson, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), Subversion, Glassfish, mysql.

    Description: We built an ecommerce and CRM solution based in the first version of SimplexPortal platform, with a strong integration of Microsoft Navision.

    Technical Lead
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Architect

    Project: Meyem Online / GIS Module

    Skills: Java, JavaEE Stack (JAXRS, JPA, EJBs, JAXB, etc), Gis, TestNG, ant, ivy, Postgresql, Postgis, Geoserver, OpenLayers, jquery, javascript, Restful, html5, css3, WMS, Geojson, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), Subversion, Glassfish.

    Description: Meyem is one of the most important geomarketing companies in Spain. We built the CRM, ERP and GIS applications for this company. In addition to the more typical features of CRM, ERP and GIS, this application is used for planning, coordination, monitoring and reporting of leaflets distribution in all of Spain.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Lead

    Silyan Software
    Project: SimplexPortal

    Skills: Java, JavaEE (JAXRS, JPA, EJBs, JAXB, etc), Spring (spring- code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring-mock, etc.), maven, Junit, TestNG, Oracle database, Postgresql, MySQL, Portlets, Jackrabbit, JSR170, JSR283, JSR286, jquery, javascript, dustjs, velocity, Restful, html5, css3, bootstrap, linux (Ubuntu Server / Desktop), Mercurial, Glassfish, Auth2.

    Description: This is my more ambitious project. It's a complete CMS/ECOMMERCE SAAS hight performance solution, developed from scratch and based in JavaEE technologies. We Started the project in 2008 after testing solutions like liferay, alfresco or magnolia, my team and I developed a CMS based in de facto standard technology. Looking for a SAAS solution and an easy SDK, we refactoring first version and removing completely Spring, Portlets, JSF and JCR, we have obtained an incredible hight performance and UX platform.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Team Manager

    Senior Software Engineer

    Panama Government
    Project: Marina Mercante/Gente de Mar

    Skills: Java, JavaEE (jsp, jstl, servlets, etc.), Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring-mock, etc.), struts, ant, Ibatis, Oracle database, Tomcat, Weblogic.

    Description: We work in the refactoring of applications used by Panama Government for the management and expedition of authorization cards. We added features of I18N using Java standards. Also, I coordinated translators and developers and for this proposed, we built an automatic process to find all resources, generate excel files, send files to translators and the reverse process.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Team Manager

    Senior Software Engineer

    Panama Government
    Project: Biometric suitcase

    Skills: Java, JavaEE (jsp, jstl, servlets, etc.), Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring-mock, etc.), struts, ant, Ibatis, mysql database, Tomcat, webservices.

    Description: We built software for a mobile biometric suitcase (basically, a fireproof, dustprooff and waterproof suitcase with a 3G netbook and various devices connected), used to capture data (fingerprint, signature, passport photo, etc), storages this data locally and sends it to the central servers when the suitcase has an Internet connection.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Project: Framework agreements

    Skills: ava, JavaEE (jsp, jstl, servlets, etc.), Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring-mock, etc.), struts, maven, Hibertante, Sqlserver database, Tomcat, Websphere, webservices, SharePoint.

    Description: We built the ERP used to manage and negotiation of framework agreements with commodities providers. In this project, the main difficulty was integration between SAP, SharePoint and our application.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Mexico Government
    Project: Business Intelligence Module

    Skills: Java, JavaEE (jsp, jstl, servlets, etc.), Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring-mock, etc.), struts, ant, Ibatis, Oracle database, Tomcat, Weblogic, JasperReports.

    Description: We built the business intelligence module integrated with the application used for the generation and management of Mexican Passports.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Lead

    International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
    Project: CIC Wildlife

    Skills: Java, JavaEE (jsp, jstl, servlets, etc.), Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring-dao, spring-mock, etc.), struts, maven, JDO, Mysql, Tomcat, JasperReports.

    Description: We built an ERP used for the management, publication and certification of international hunting trophies.

    Software Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Asturias Government

    Skills: Java, JavaEE, Spring (spring-code, spring-security, spring- dao, spring-mock, etc.), maven, Junit, Ibatis, Oracle database, Oracle Application Server (OC4J), Oracle BPEL, Portlets, Vignette.

    Description: In this parenthesis as a Freelancer, I was a member of “The core team”, a selected twelve people team, responsible for the architecture and framework used in all applications developed for the government of The Principality of Asturias.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Project: NCRouter

    Skills: Java, J2ME, Bluetooth, RPC, WebServices, Anoto Digital Pen Technology.

    Description: We built a mobile router, that gets information from Anoto Digital Pen, stores this information in the mobile device and resends the data to a specific URL when 3G connection is available. In server, we implement a configurable proxy who process and resend data, depending of the configuration and the data patterns.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Project: Natural Notes

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Anoto Digital Pen Technology.

    Description: We built an application based in Anoto Digital Pen Technology, that synchronizes handwritten book with an online digital version (in pdf format).

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Lead

    HCI International
    Project: Booking tool

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, MySQL.

    Description: We built a booking and ERP application for HCI International, broker between hotel chains and tour operators.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Lead

    Calidad De Hogar
    Project: Calidad de hogar

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, MySQL.

    Description: We built a CRM/ERP developed for the home services contractor company, specialist in foreign personal service. This application manages meetings, personal skills, customer request, etc.

    Senior Software Engineer
    IP Soluciones

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Postgresql.

    Description: This application was a site and a CRM/ERP for a real estate company. I built the online search module.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Lead

    Project: Inventory and Bidding

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Mysql.

    Description: We built a simplex CMS module to edit the inventory and bidding of horses.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Technical Lead

    Project: Cyrus

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Mysql.

    Description: We built a CRM/ERP for horse studs management.

    Technical Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Technical Lead

    Crédito y Caución and IBM/INSA
    Project: Technical Lead

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS.

    Description: I was the technical lead and java expert, responsable of IBM projects in Crédito y Caución. Mainly, we built a frontend and proxy between internal services developed in COBOL and the final user.

    Senior Software Engineer
    Project: Danone Yellow Pages / Danone White Pages

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, LDAP.

    Description: We built a human resource portal and intranet with profiles and skills of employees and providers.

    Senior Software Engineer
    Innova Solutions
    Project: Glaciar / LogHost

    Skills: Java, PERL.

    Description: We built an application for analysis and exportation of log systems.

    Technical Quality Supervisor
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Espasa Calpe
    Project: Campus Home English / CEAC English

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, SQL Server.

    Description: We built the first version of the elearning portal of Home English and CEAC.

    Senior Software Engineer
    IP Soluciones
    Project: For a luxury Reale estate company

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Postgresql.

    Description: We built a CRM and real estate Portal.

    Software Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Santander Bank
    Project: Security module

    Skills: Java, Swing, AWT, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Oracle, Weblogic.

    Description: We defined and developed the security standard for applications at treasure department.

    Software Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Santander Bank
    Project: Contract Management

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Oracle, Weblogic.

    Description: We built an application for management and evolution control of contracts between risk and legal advice departments.

    Software Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Santander Bank
    Project: Subcontracted employees timecard

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Oracle, Weblogic.

    Description: We built an application to management and timecard for subcontracted employees.

    Software Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Santander Bank
    Project: Warrants

    Skills: Java, Swing, Tibco.

    Description: We built an application to realtime management and monitoring of Warrants product transactions.

    Software Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Santander Bank
    Project: Fixed income securities management

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Oracle, Weblogic.

    Description: We built the software used to manage the product “Fixed income securities” for wholesalers brokers.

    Software Architect
    Secondary Roles:

    Senior Software Engineer

    Santander Bank
    Project: Equity funds management

    Skills: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, HTML, CSS, Oracle, Weblogic.

    Description: We built the software used to manage the product “Equity funds” for wholesalers brokers. This was my first project as a Freelance and the first project developed in Santander bank using java technologies. But Java is here to stay!

    Software Engineer
    Secondary Roles:

    Team Manager

    Qarana Solutions
    Project: Diversia

    Skills: Java, ant, Javascript Server Side (With broadvision), Oracle database

    Description: Thanks to the philosophy of the company, in that time I learned a lot about new trending of software development.Ecommerce, worldwide leader, specialist in DVDs, books y CDs, using Broadvision Javascript server side and oracle technologies.

    Software Engineer
    Secondary Roles:

    Team Manager

    Qarana Solutions
    Project: Banca Credem

    Skills: Java, ant, Javascript Server Side (With broadvision), Oracle database

    Description: Home banking developed in Italy using Broadvision Javascript server side and oracle technologies.

    Software Engineer
    Secondary Roles:

    Team Manager

    Qarana Solutions
    Project: Patagon Aggregator

    Skills: Java, ant, Javascript Server Side (With broadvision), Oracle database

    Description: I became the team manager in an important project for Patagon. Multi-bank Portal (aggregator) for Patagon using Java.

    Software Engineer
    Project: Telefónica

    Skills: C++, Visual C++, Oracle Database, PLSQL, DBASE, Big Data.

    Description: I worked in the migration of large part of the computerization of Telefónica, from a COBOL/DBASE system to C++/Oracle, developing a complex and large batch process for big data manipulation. Sometimes younger people think that Big Data is something new, but this is an example of Big Data in the past century! And yes, using technologies of the past century. We wished to have Hadoop!

    Software Engineer
    Project: El corte Inglés

    Skills: C++, Visual C++, MFC, Cristal Reports, SQL Server.

    Description: This was my first paid project as developer. Basically, the project was computerizing of a department of “El Corte Inglés”, an important Spanish company. It was a typically three layer architecture based in Microsoft Technologies.

    Project: MaiFeed

    Skills: Java, JavaEE (JaxRS, EJB), HTML5/JavaScript, Titan Graph Database (Cassandra / ElasticSearch), TinkerPop Blueprints Graph Stack, Facebook API, OAuth 2.0.

    Description: Maifeed is a free “reader” dedicated to Facebook Fan Page posts. When a person following your Fan Page subscribes to Maifeed, we deliver 100% of your post to them. In this moment, we are in the first stage of the startup project.

    Project: Dust-fw


    Description: Dust-fw is my own new architecture based in a complete decoupling of the user interface and the backend. This Architecture is based on SOAP, but using RestFul and a simplification of messages. This architecture has been used in my last three projects successfully in conjunction with dustjs and JAXRS.

    Project: Berta


    Description: Berta is a data-driven design tool that transform a simple set of XML metadata files in a complete JavaEE application. Thanks to this tool, a lot of projects (mainly ERPs and CRMs) have been able to implement in a very short time (approx, 80% than with other methodologies and tools).